Less than a third of people in Kenya have access to improved sanitation facilities. This lack of sanitation facilities causes problems with human health and the environment, as pathogens and chemicals leak into the groundwater.
Fresh Life - founding partner of The Sanergy Collaborative - builds cost-effective and eco-friendly sanitation products such as Fresh Life Toilets, which are designed for residential compounds, schools and busy markets in low income, non-sewered informal settlements. Using a full value chain approach, Fresh Life offers a regular, professional waste collection service, guaranteeing that 100% of waste removed is treated and safely upcycled and/or disposed of.
TRANSFORM helped extend operations geographically and supported with the testing of a new ‘Fee-For-Service' model whereby landlords would pay a monthly fee for a serviced toilet, instead of expensive upfront investment. The initiative helped to develop a pitch deck for landlords to understand why they should pay for this for their tenants and launched 120 toilets to landlords who were not previously providing sanitation for tenants. This model has now been adopted across the business and replaced the existing ‘pay-per-use’ model.
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