Patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are crucial providers of health information, services and products to low-income people in Nigeria, helping around half of poor households with a range of health issues. However, only 20 percent have some level of medical training.
NaijaCare is a digital community created by Every1Mobile to improve PPMV businesses as well as their service to their customers. PPMVs can access e-learning content focussing on business skills and financial management, as well as order pharmaceuticals through the online NaijaCare shop. The NaijaCare service, accessible through a mobile-friendly website, aimed to drive social change in low-income communities where the platform was utilised.
TRANSFORM’s support focussed on the design, development and roll out of the business model, incentive mechanisms and resources so PPMVs could become effective catalysts for health promotion and behaviour change in low-income communities. The initiative then provided additional support during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that PPMVs continued to serve the needs of their communities. This project added three new modules to the digital platform: equipping PPMVs with high quality information on COVID-19; providing assured medicines and safety equipment; and raising awareness of the health benefits of handwashing and ensuring access to affordable hand hygiene products.